Hi there Friend,
As we approach this two year Coronaversary, let’s take a trip down memory lane.
On March 13, 2020, the “Coronavirus” was declared a national emergency.
On March 28, 2020, ‘shut down’ orders were put in place in Rhode Island (where I live).
So, for about 2 weeks we were in this kind of gray zone. We knew the virus was here, but it wasn’t that bad, and we were still going to the gym, restaurants, movies, grocery stores, etc. We were just being extra careful, whatever that means.
Then it felt like from Friday to Saturday we went from “avoid large gatherings” to STAY HOME AND DON’T GO ANYWHERE!
This was a pivotal moment in our world’s history. It was also a pivotal moment in each of our lives. Can you recall when you felt that pivot? The moment it got REAL for you?
For me, it was when I sat down at my computer and cancelled every single class, workshop, conference, and trip I had planned for the months of March, April, May, and June. I remember that day to a tee.
I had been kind of in denial for a few weeks, and then one by one, I opened the event in my Google calendar, and clicked on the trash can. One by one. I was looking forward to so many events: leading a yoga retreat, a writing conference, a trip to California to see my daughter, taking my granddaughter to Disneyworld, a James Taylor concert…
One by one; edit/delete; edit/delete; edit/delete.
That’s when I felt it.
My life was on H.O.L.D.
And a pivotal moment was right there in front of me.
It made me think about other pivotal moments in my life. Times when I couldn’t see the path in front of me, and then after a pivot, a path was revealed. Like the conversation I had with my husband on New Year’s Eve, twenty-five years ago. I was crying over the fact that I couldn’t get pregnant after years of trying. My husband asked, “Do you want to be pregnant, or do we want to have a baby?”
That question, that moment, was the pivot to our path to creating our family through adoption.
This, by the way, is what writing a MEMOIR is all about. A memoir is not an autobiography, not a story of your entire life, but rather a story of a pivotal moment in your life when you started out “Person A” then something(s) happened, and you ended up “Person B.” I am oversimplifying a bit, but the point is every single person could write multiple memoirs! We all have multiple pivoting moments.
Certainly, we have all lived through this one, together, these past two years. Have you thought about writing about when this shit got real for you?
And how about now, two years later, how you have changed? How you have pivoted in your life, your business, your relationships, your attitude?
How you have grown from Person A… to Person B. All in the short span of 2 years.
We can all write about this pivotal moment in our history. It has changed each and every one of us.
We write to heal.
We write to reveal.
We write to leave our legacy.