
Write To Heal
4- Week Virtual Workshop

Now more than ever is a time to focus on healing practices like yoga, meditation, chanting, praying, writing, or all of the above.

Did you know that the very act of writing engages internal healing resources that affect both mental and physical health?  A Yogic Writing practice, in combination with Expressive Writing, can reduce heart rate and blood pressure, minimize stress, strengthen the immune system, and improve self-esteem.

By exploring emotional upheaval in our lives through writing, we are forced to look inward and examine who we are, and begin the healing process.

Learning this practice will help you find story nuggets buried deep within, some you may even want to craft into personal essays or life stories. You have the option to share your stories with the group and/or send your stories to Rebecca for feedback at any time during the 4-weeks.

Register for Write to Heal

Write. Share. Heal.

We meet on Zoom once a week for 4 weeks to experience a Yogic Writing practice designed to help you discover ways to manage stressful events and upheavals in your life through writing.

Each Zoom session will include:

  • Expressive Writing practice
  • Yogic Writing mindfulness practice
  • Engaging writing prompts
  • Opportunity to share your work
  • We also have a private Facebook Group to connect and share with each other during the week.
  • Opportunity to submit your work to Rebecca throughout the month for 1:1 guidance

Write. Share. Heal.  What better time than now?

Program Details

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Register for Write to Heal Workshop

Other Programs



We meet as often as necessary
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FREE 3-Day Yogic Writing Journey!

3 day writing program
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21 Day Yogic Writing Journey

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You will now be redirected to our online store to register for the 5-Day FREE Yogic Writing Challenge


  • Notice that this is a FREE program
  • The purchase total will be zero.
  • No payment or credit card information is required to register.