We sit with ourselves, our emotions, our inner critic, and we try like hell to tell our stories in a meaningful way. We often have trouble getting started, or keeping up the pace, and too often, we simply give up on our enthusiasm and determination trickles away.
Does this sound familiar?
Well, guess what…
The lonely life of a writer need not be. There is another way!
Believe me, it took me decades to figure this out. Unless I had a deadline to write for someone else, I wasn’t writing my own stories. They remained in my head or half written. I was a working writer, but I was my own worst client. I let my deadlines slip away. I gave myself hours off, days off, years off. I almost never finished what I started; instead I would start writing something new any time my muse struck.
It took me 10 years to figure out that THIS DOESN’T WORK.

Writing is a two-part process. First, we practice alone. And then, we write together.

I needed a writing community. I needed to be accountable to someone else. I needed to break the isolation and get support and feedback, to see my writing through a different lens. And more than anything, I needed someone else’s voice to tell my inner critic to SHUT UP, because clearly she wasn’t listening to me.
I know, too, that even if we want to be a part of a writing group, many of us suffer anxiety about joining one. We’re afraid of making the commitment, afraid that we’re not good enough. We don’t want to look foolish or be found out– that we can’t write, that we’re fakes, that our writing is mediocre or worse. That we have nothing to offer other writers who, of course, are far more skilled than we are!
Does this, too, sound familiar?
You’re in good company.

"It's taken me time to feel ready to write my book and through my work with Rebecca Gold and her Write Here Write Now program, I now know I am a writer and thought leader.”
~ Jeannie Spiro, Business Coach & Strategist

“From the very beginning of the program, I felt welcomed and comfortable enough to share my stories. Rebecca inspires me to continue my journey with her honest feedback and kind suggestions. I feel so blessed to be on this path with a wonderful group of beautiful ladies.”
~ Margaret Hoover
Are you ready to write your story? Do you want to join a sisterhood of writers for accountability, feedback, professional editing, and loving support?
There is a path to do this, and it is...
Write Here. Write Now.
I have a limited number of spots available in my upcoming “Write Here, Write Now” Yogic Writing group program that begins the week of August 22st, 2022.
If you want to learn more about it, contact me, or schedule a call with me. I’d love to hear from you!